Who We Are

The Monadnock Regional Milers are made up of members from towns all over the Monadnock area and beyond!

“Who We Are” is a place you can find Member Bios as well as other stories related to our community members!

Becka Lyons Becka Lyons

Marj Klar, Treasurer

Marj started running to relieve stress in college (no more than 3 miles, 3 times a week). She was a teacher for 40 years in Connecticut. During her career, she coached HS Swimming and many MS sports: including Track and Field. The coed Track and Field teams consisted of more than 100 participants. She also sponsored an after school running club during the fall. In her thirties, she began running greater distances and was part of the Sport Hill Runners, whose motto was “No Hills, No Thrills!” With many half marathons under her belt, she trained for her first marathon. Marj trains for a marathon every summer, but only runs an actual race once a decade. Summer 2025 will be the next one!!

Marj moved to New Hampshire in 2018 and met the Monadnock Milers on the road. She participated in that year’s MAGPIE series and then joined the club.

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Lisa Ramey Lisa Ramey

Lisa Ramey

I’ve been a Monadnock Miler since a year after the Club formed, and am a past president. I only started running in my 40s, except for sprinting  through the woods in my youth. Swimming was and is my primary sport, but I got restless watching my children run track in high school, and decided to alternate walking and running, my first race the Temple Chip Chase. My fastest pace was 10 minutes. Most of my years running are at 14-15 minute pace, just ahead of the ambulance sweeps! Fortunately, we Milers include all ages, sizes and speeds. I am proud to be a triathlete, a marathoner (3), and an ultramarathoner ( 1 50k), and I have coached Indoor Track for 5 years. I encourage participation in our Monadnock community races, that support a variety of great causes. Lisa Ramey, 68 years young.   

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Becka Lyons Becka Lyons

Yolanda Flamino, Advisory Board

Yolanda Flamino

Yolanda started competing on running teams in middle school when she joined the cross country team.  She competed in cross country and track and field throughout high school and college (Trinity College), where she was an All-American.  Post-collegiately, she ran on club teams, including Hansons-Brooks.  She competed in the 2008 marathon Olympic Trials and was the 2010 USATF 50K National Champion.  She has coached at the collegiate, high school, and middle school levels and across a wide variety of events.  She believes that running provides many benefits that extend beyond the physical and that, no matter the starting point, there is a path forward.

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