MRM Chiller #2 at High Mowing School race results



1    25:58 Flamino,Lance M 33 Hancock
2    26:52 Traffie,Nels M 44 New Ipswich
3    27:25 Kinnee,John M 39 Townsend MA
4    27:45* Sterling,Sherisa F 64 Ashburnham MA
5    27:47 Ketola,Ezra M 41 Rindge
6    28:24 Radcliff,Sean M 58 Temple
7    28:55 McGurk,Elizabeth F 22 New Ipswich
8    29:19 Mormando,James M 47 Jaffrey
9    29:53 Singelais,John M 58 Temple
10  31:56 Jones,Jeff M 41 Wilton
11  32:58 Movisessian,Jason M 47 New Ipswich
12  33:10 Hill,Nick M 37 Peterborough
13  33:14 Walsh,Dan M 55 Greenfield
14  33:19 Roche,Jim M 60 Francestown
15  33:58 Foecking,Bernd M 43 Dublin
16  34:01 Smith,Gretchen F 44 New Ipswich
17  34:04 Drew,Kevin M 54 Milford
18  34:15 Smith,Mike M 50 New Ipswich
19  34:55 Ferrell,Jake M 29 Jaffrey
20  35:13 Miller Grant,Neal M 58 Mason
21  35:44 Brumhagim,Tom M 59 New Ipswich
22  35:56 Hudson,Kimberly F 34 Townsend MA
23  36:43 Dutton,Stanley M 73 Bennington
24  36:52 Richardson,Jeff M 61 Westmoreland
25  37:26 Dowse,Hunt M 70 Hancock
26  38:48 Smith,Victoria F 14 New Ipswich
27  39:42 Ramey,Ross M 64 Jaffrey
28  41:03 Lashua,Amy F 36 New Ipswich
29  41:12 Siegmann,Michele F 54 Mason
30  41:22 Vegelj,Monica F 52 Temple
31  41:33 Fletcher,Griffin M 29 Jaffrey
32  41:40 Gintert,Susan F 58 Jaffrey
33  41:55 Aldrich,Joe M 36 Walpole
34  42:43 Smith,Amelia F 11 New Ipswich
35  42:49 Brown,Laurie F 50 Hollis
36  42:52 Jaffe,Michele F 37 Wilton
37  42:52 Robbins,Robert M 35 New Ipswich
38  43:36 Joy,Krista F 48 Mason
39  43:53 Somero,Lyla F 8 New Ipswich
40  43:54 Somero, Lance M 30 New Ipswich
41  43:58 Callahan,Maya F 13 New Ipswich
42  43:59 Bane,Kylie F 16 New Ipswich
43  44:25 Lakin,Rachel F 53 Munsonville
44  44:50 Ciccarelli,Skip M 70 Royalston MA
45  44:51 Callahan,Suzanne F 44 New Ipswich
46  45:15 Minami,Shu M 79 Mont Vernon
47  46:46 Liebert,Geraldine F 70 Keene
48  47:25 Grella,Theresa F 55 Amherst
49  47:26 Gonzalaz,Brenda F 46 Amherst
50  49:52 Aldrich,Samantha F 34 Walpole
51  51:57 Christides,Christina F 67 Keene
52  52:02 Singelais,Carole F 55 Temple
53  56:15 Foecking,Katherine F 40 Dublin

* 30 minute early starter

53 runners assembled Saturday morning at the High Mowing School in Wilton NH to run the 4.1 mile Chiller #2 race.  The school and race is adjacent the beautiful and historic Temple Wilton Community Farm.   Lance Flamino was first male and Elizabeth McGurk was first female.  Congratulation to all runners on this tough, hilly course.  Complete race results are below.

Also,  We received a record amount of food donations for Food bank, plus some cash donations also.  You runners rock!


MRM Chiller #3 at the Meetinghouse, Hancock, NH


MRM Chiller #1 at Hampshire Country School Results