Snow and running on freezing surfaces

This first snow and frozen ground has arrived for the winter of 2020/2021. Frozen road surfaces and trails can be slippery and dangerous. To run with confidence in the Winter we must be prepared to have traction on our running shoes. I recently explained to a friend that Yaktrax was not as good for runners due to numerous failures. I have two favorite types of traction. IceSpikes and Nanospikes. Click here for photos.

Nanospikes can be easily strapped on to any running shoe at the last moment whereas IceSpikes must be screwed into shoes with their handy tool or a electric screwdriver. IceSpikes have the advantage of being able to put the traction where you want it on your shoe whereas Nanospikes have specific places on the straps that can’t be move. I like both. I tend to use Nanospikes on black ice and my IceSpike shoes on slush or deeper snow. Ice Spike screws have sharp, grabbing edges that have more traction than hex drive sheet metal screws. NOTE: IceSpikes is a local, Peterborough company has been a sponsor of MAGP and MRM running club.


Photos of Nanospikes and IceSpikes


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