This year, the race is on Saturday, August 21 at 8:00 AM. The Fun Run is at 9:00 AM. Race-day registration and check-in for the 5K take place from 7:00 to 7:45 AM.
Please register early & online! The strongly preferred method to register for the 5K is to fill out the web form on this page, save it to PDF, and email the completed form to Alternatively, you can print out a hard copy of the completed form and bring it to the race, or register on race day. Free jar of honey to the first 100 registrants!
5K (8:00 AM) FEE: Pay on race day. The fee for Hancock residents is $5 and the fee for non-residents is $10. Checks should be made out to "Ginger Smith, Race Director".
More information can be found at: