Goggins 4x4x48 charity challenge this weekend

Emily and Jamie Hurley are doing the Goggins 4x4x48 charity challenge this weekend. The challenge requires running 4 miles every 4 hours for 48 hours in order for you to raise money for a charity of your choosing. The challenge starts March 5th at 5 PM. The theme is resilience which we all need and are showing during this pandemic. Building resilience is also one of the goals of the charity. The Dream Program in Burlington, VT (where their daughter Sarah is currently employed) works to close the opportunity gap for children living in low income housing. The Dream Program provides college students as mentors, summer enrichment, local adventures, supports post secondary school success, in short experiences that help build these young people’s resilience.

Consider donating to The Dream Program. Please visit https://mtyc.co/j7x43g to donate. There you will also be able to see pictures, Instagram clips of the Hurleys efforts. For more information on Dream you can check out www.dreamprogram.org and the challenge at Gogginschallenge.com


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