NOTE: MRM 2019 party! Save the date

The Monadnock Regional Milers year end party will be on Sunday November 10th in Keene, NH! The party will be in the middle of the day on Sunday but exact time and address will be shared in next week. The MRM club will be grilling and supplying soft drinks but you bring something you love to eat and share. We will be celebrating the 2019 MAGP and giving awards to the top MAGP champions especially our two iron runners: Rachel Lakin and returning champion Tena Goen.

Come join us in Keene to celebrate the 2019 season. We will be reflecting on all the 2019 races and celebrate the MAGP champions.


NOTE: Coming to Granite Lake 5K Run/Walk from Keene area on Rt 9


MAGP 2019 final results